With India pushing towards a knowledge-based and digital economy, the government is attempting to deploy ICT infrastructure and provide policy support for enhanced e-governance, investments and technology innovation through research and higher education to support entrepreneurship and spur economic growth.

Small businesses beyond the metros are not fully aware of, or integrated into, programs that provide start-ups with various government incentives and tax breaks. Despite the progress made so far, Indian businesses face huge challenges, such as the unorganized and fragmented nature of the market in most sectors, a lack of clear and transparent policy initiatives that start-ups can tap into quickly, as well as a lack of infrastructure, a lack of knowledge and exposure, and complications in doing business.

SNEHA Foundation helps our budding entrepreneurs in understanding the right policy for their start-up, bridging gap, create a system, helps in arranging seminars and one to one meetings with the personnel of respective government departments.

We support and appreciate innovative business ideas and motivate our youth to go ahead and be assured of the financial support.
IICA's Employability Enhancement Programs
Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma, Vice-Chairman - Diplomatic Affairs Committee - DAC of Indo-OIC-Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Executive Members
Partner Organizations
Letter from Min. of Tribal Affairs
Letter from Min. of Science
Letter from Min. of MSME
Specimen for Partnership